Saving Princess Zelda!
Link, he come to town
Come to save the Princess Zelda
Ganon took her away
Now the children don't play
But they will
When Link saves the day
Now Link fill up your hearts
So you can shoot
Your sword with power
And when you're feeling all down
A faerie will come around
So you'll be brave
And not a sissy coward
Now, Link has saved the day
Put Ganon in his grave
So now Zelda is free and now our hero shall be
Link, I think your name shall go down into history
System of a Down
Ai a puta da princesa!!!!
Foge da zelda!!!
3:23 da manhã
um gajo ser anonimo é brutal
4:35 da manhã
Eu adorava o jogo quando era miuda... dps um dos teus primos pediu emprestado, mudou de casa e nunca mais o vi! :P
4:39 da tarde
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